Putting Students First in
Every Education Decision

EdChoice Kentucky is a coalition focused on informing the
Commonwealth about educational opportunities.
EdChoice KY is empowering families with more choices in education.
Join EdChoice KY and tell your story about why choice in education matters.
Informing the Commonwealth about the benefits of educational choice.

Kentucky is the only state in the region without an active school choice program. If we want to help every student succeed in the right classroom for them, we must support:
Educational Choice for Parents
"Will It Work?"
More than 30 states already have educational choice programs with overwhelmingly positive results.
14 studies found that students performed better across the board when choice programs were an option.
25 studies found that choice programs are often followed by public school improvements.
"Is There Support?"
Recent polling shows that both urban and rural Kentuckians overwhelmingly support educational choice options.

An A+ Choice for Kentucky Students & Families
EdChoice Kentucky is fighting for one important goal; helping Kentucky students! The same education doesn't work for every child - learning styles and abilities are as unique as each child.
Kentucky students deserve a choice in their education. Expanding educational opportunities is a common-sense solution.
A win-win for students, communities, and Kentucky!