State Insights
Every State surrounding Kentucky has an educational choice law.
Educational Choice laws help families with the cost of choosing the K-12 educational options that best fit their children’s needs. Every child is unique, and all children learn differently. Some children might succeed at their assigned public school, while others might fit in better in a different environment. That’s why educational choice is so important!
Every state surrounding Kentucky has an educational choice law. These laws help cover the cost of non-public school tuition for eligible families. In some instances, these programs cover educational expenses beyond tuition, including special needs therapies, textbooks and educational technology.
Kentucky doesn’t have an educational choice program, but efforts are underway to change that. To better understand the disadvantage our students face, EdChoice KY has started a spotlight series focused on programs in certain states surrounding the Commonwealth.
Scroll down to see state-based insights

Indiana School Choice Programs
Indiana has three programs that range in coverage from tuition assistance for non-public schools to Education Savings Accounts which can cover a variety of education services including special needs therapies, individual classes, testing fees and transportation.
Nearly every family in Indiana is eligible for financial assistance
Full Year Scholarship $5,439 to $17,355 per student
West Virginia Hope Scholarship
Program covers, but is not limited to, private school tuition and fees; tutoring services; various exam fees for advanced placement and college admission; tuition and fees for courses leading to an industry-recognized credential; alternative education programs; after-school or summer education programs; educational services and therapies, and education related transportation.
Full Year Scholarship - $4,299
93% of West Virginia Families Qualify