EdChoice KY Statement: 'Decision that will hold back thousands of Kentucky students'
December 15, 2022
Today the Kentucky Supreme Court issued its ruling on the Education Opportunity Account Act - striking down legislation that would have benefited thousands of Kentucky students.
For the folks across Kentucky who believe in school choice, while today is a tough day, we believe the strong coalition we have created will continue to fight. We will continue to educate the public, engage legislators and share the stories of success from school choice. I am grateful for the folks across the Commonwealth who believe in providing every student with an education that fits their needs. We know these people will stay committed as we head into 2023.
Please see our organization's full statement on today's ruling below:
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Dec. 15, 2022) – EdChoice Kentucky President Andrew Vandiver released the following statement today after the Kentucky Supreme Court’s decision on the Commonwealth’s Education Opportunity Account Act:
“Today, the Kentucky Supreme Court issued a decision that will hold back thousands of Kentucky students from reaching their full potential."
“Courts across the nation–from state supreme courts all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court—have universally upheld similar school choice programs as legitimate expressions of parents’ fundamental rights over their children’s education. Over 30 states have school choice programs and the number of students enrolled continues to grow every year. Due to this unprecedented decision, Kentucky students now face a unique disadvantage compared to their peers in our surrounding states who have a wide array of options."
“A decision this far outside of the mainstream of legal jurisprudence will not stand the test of time. School choice programs are popular, proven and change the course of students’ lives. This effort to empower parents is too important to stop, and we will continue working to give every Kentucky student access to an education as unique as they are.”
“I’d like to thank Akia McNeary and Nancy Deaton for intervening in this case on behalf of their students and children across Kentucky. I’m also grateful to Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, his team and the Institute for Justice for offering a robust defense of the program."
Andrew Vandiver
EdChoice Kentucky